fibers of mind

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Ouch! I see I forgot this for longer than I had realized!
I will attempt to make up for that.
This week I have sent my first charts to the design group for a crochet along shawl. I need to get some more there in the next couple of days. I am learning, and am being much more directive with the testers. Hopefully, this may help them make it through to the end.

I have spoken with a printer about selling some of the patterns. We will see if that works out. I have also begun to wonder if I should, in fact, set up a separate group page for these projects. The current one is still on EZasPi, and will remain posted for another couple of weeks. The next one is slated for the Spindlers group. The thing that I am realising is that I never have any notion how many people are actually involved.

I am doing a lot of juggling with computers, just now, but I think I can get a few more pics up. I did not (boo-hoo) get a pic of the latest shawl I finished, before belatedly giving it to my mil for her birthday. (Well, I gave it to her on her birthday...a year later than I intended.) It started life as the mystery shawl 3, but that didn't last. I think I actually finished clue two before I hared off and knit off the top of my head. It came out very well, if I do say so myself, with just one place that I consider awkward, though no one else has seemed to realize that I shifted gears so drastically! There was a good amount left on the cone, and so I am using it to play around with the crochet designs.

With the crochet along shawl, I had intended to use all traditional patterns, but I have already blown that! I got started charting, and before I knew it, I was doing variations.. There are so many gorgeous traditional stitch patterns out there that I will have to force myself to use some. (Wouldn't you think it would be easier to just chart out some instructions??? I don't seem to function that way.)

Well, enough for now. I got on here to set up a blog just about hypnosis, and where do I find myself??? Oh well, I seriously needed to update, and will try to do better.



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