fibers of mind

Friday, July 28, 2006

KYOAMS 2 is in the works

I have committed myself to doing another Knit Your Own Adventure Mystery Shawl. Suzanne M. has volunteered to help, and I have already dumped a pile of things on her to play with. This will not be a straight pi shawl, but will be modified...but if someone actually reads this I don't want to give away the mystery! I hope that the first clues will be ready by no later than mid August. The first shawl will be coming down next week, and we will have space for the next to go up, but I will be headed for a conference, and won't be able to post. (Perhaps Suzanne can post.)
We came up against her dial-up, and so started a Yahoo group for ourselves. I invited the bat cape folks over, as well, as it just seemed reasonable. Designs of Mind Workshop is the name, and it sounds like it could be something a lot more interesting than it actually is!

The flooding in Cleveland has kept us from heading up to my sister's place this morning. I think we will leave around noon. I hope while I am there to get some yarn for my DIL's baby shower, since it is next week! I am debating between a little sweater, and a baby blanket. I need to see what I can find in terms of yarn before I make that decision.

On yet another topic, I am beginning to have a bit more hope about the house we have been looking at! Perhaps we will move this fall, after all! Still nothing on the resume I have sent, but that may be pie in the sky. (or PI?)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I am waiting for the fiber from the Spindler's summer breeze exchange to arrive. I want to see if it would work for the mysterystole 2. I have some alpaca and silk which I have blended and will use if it doesn't ask to be the stole.
Meanwhile, I have gone back to the mystery Shawl 3. I THOUGHT I was finished with clue 1 when I stuck that lifeline in last March, but two rows into it, I realized that I had stopped before the end of the clue. So, after pulling out any progress, andpart of the lifeline with it, I eventually got things in gear and am almost ready to start clue 2 again.
The anniversary/garden shawl is blocked. I used a friend's blocking wires, and I hate to say it, but I was greatly disappointed. I used six wires, with 8 points on each wire. Perhaps 8 wires, with six points on each might have given a nicer stretch to the shawl. As it is, I didn't get the expansion I usually get, though it still looks nice. I will make sure my sister sends pics, once she gets it.

On another subject... I have a number of volunteers to test knit the bat cape I am working on. I hope to send the first part of the design to them by the end of the week. They should send progress pics, once they get started, and I hope will agree to my posting at least some of them. This is a lace plus texture design, which should make it an interesting knit. Once I finish it, and begin another, I think I will see if it is possible for me to do some in crochet as well.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Thanks to Linda, for putting the msytery stole button on for me! It must have been going on even as I was posting, for there it was when I finished! I haven't a clue why it wouldn't work for me last night. I think I used a fine-toothed comb going through the help files, to no avail. Maybe it was the whole migraine thing that woke me after only three hours of sleep, and kept me awae thereafter.
I so wish I had a camera! I finished the cap to send to afghans for Afghans, and need to send it today. Thank heavens for that period of time when i was determined to learn to spin bulky, as I was able to use a couple of balls of that.

I finished spinning my grey alpaca, but am not sure that i have enough for the msytery stole 2, so got some while alpaca, and some silk, and am working on blending them. It will be white with other colors running through. Unfortunately, it will set me yet further behind with the stole, and I have not yet got back to MS3, or blocked my combo anniversary pi/kyoamspi. In a week or two I think we will take that down, and then I may make it available here, as an ebook. Meanwhile, I am working on a pattern for a halloweenish cape, that looks like fun.

On other fronts, house hunting feels stalled, and I haven't heard back from the company that I so want to hear back from, though it is only a couple of days since I submitted my resume. My son's eschool is having technical difficulties, which means I am fighting to get any work out of him. I still have mixed feelings about changing his school. Things like this make me want to, though, especially since I have asked his special ed teacher the same question multiple times, with no answer. And to top it off, I still don't know if the who;e family is going to the Nationall Guild of Hypnotists conference, or just me. If it is just me, I need to make some arrangements!
Thus is life!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I just noticed the cool halo effect on that last photo. Can knitting have an aura????

A Simple Thing
Although nothing online is truely simple, I will begin here with the sorrowful note that I can't find my old blog (MindWeft) and so cannot recover the discussion of spinning thread on a drop spindle.
On the plus side, I do believe that I will be able to post some photos here, provided I can get some onto my computer! I plan to ask some of the knitters who completed the Knit Your Own Adventure Mystery Shawl if I may post their finished creations here, when I get the instructions into ebook form!

As a test, I have decided to post the pics my enthusiastic uncle took of the MS1 shawl that I knit for my mother's birthday.
Except for the fact that I didn't know which was which, and added that last one accidently, they came out quite well!

I really must get a number of things accomplished today, and so will return to this later.